answer the questions using these sentence types

Introductory Subordinate
Secondary subordinate
Introductory Participial/ Prepositional
Secondary Participial
A sentence with a colon
A sentence with a semicolon
A possessive apostrophe (singular or plural)
Employ correct paragraphing and indentation

Are you an introvert or extrovert? How has your preference for introversion/
extroversion shaped who you are? Has it created benefits or obstacles for
~ What is the difference between being shy and introverted? Are you either?
How has this affected you?
~ How do you relate to the introverts/ extroverts in your life?

1 answer

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
What is the difference between being shy and introverted? Are you either?
How do you relate to the introverts/extroverts in your life?

How has your preference for introversion/extroversion shaped who you are and has it created benefits or obstacles for you?

Introductory Subordinate:
Since you are socially inclined, how do you relate to the introverts/extroverts in your life?

Secondary Subordinate:
How has this affected you since you prefer a more solitary lifestyle?

What is the difference between being shy, which often results from anxiety or fear, and being introverted, which is more about seeking alone time to recharge?

Introductory Participial/Prepositional:
Being either shy or introverted, how has this affected your interactions with others?

Secondary Participial:
Having a preference for introversion or extroversion, how has this shaped your overall personality and behavior?

A sentence with a colon:
One important question to consider is: are you more comfortable in social situations or do you prefer solitude?

A sentence with a semicolon:
It is important to understand the difference between being shy, which is a result of social anxiety or fear; and being introverted, which is a preference for alone time to recharge.

A possessive apostrophe (singular or plural):
How has introversion/extroversion affected your relationships with others?