Answer the following true or false chart on Zoroastrianism (1 point)

True False
Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the Israelites 
True – Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the Israelites 
False – Zoroastrianism was the official religion of the Israelites 
Zoroastrianism believed in a struggle between good and evil 
True – Zoroastrianism believed in a struggle between good and evil 
False – Zoroastrianism believed in a struggle between good and evil 
Ahura Mazda was the main religious figure in Zoroastrianism 
True – Ahura Mazda was the main religious figure in Zoroastrianism 
False – Ahura Mazda was the main religious figure in Zoroastrianism 
Zoroastrianism taught there was no evil, only good 

1 answer

False – Zoroastrianism taught there was a struggle between good and evil