Answer the following question about the RESTORATION THEATRE

1. Name important trends during the Restoration movement focusing on the SERIOUS drama (heroic tragedy) and The restoration comedy (The Comedy of Manners) - the styles, characteristics and traits of this type of comedy

1 answer

During the Restoration movement, there were important trends in both serious drama, particularly heroic tragedy, and in restoration comedy, also known as the Comedy of Manners.

Heroic Tragedy (Serious Drama):
- Style: Heroic tragedy was characterized by grandeur, spectacle, and elevated language. The plays often followed a set structure, which included a prologue, acts divided into scenes, and a chorus at the end.
- Themes: Heroic tragedy showcased themes of honor, nobility, and love. It often portrayed epic conflicts, wars, and heroic actions.
- Characters: The main characters were typically noble and virtuous, often representing heroic figures from ancient mythology or history. These characters displayed tragic flaws that led to their downfall.
- Language: The dialogue was written in a stylized and formal manner, using poetic and heightened language to convey emotions and events.
- Spectacle: The plays incorporated elaborate sets, costumes, dance, and music to enhance the dramatic effect.

Restoration Comedy (Comedy of Manners):
- Style: Restoration comedy was known for its witty dialogue, satirical humor, and social criticism. It focused on the manners, behaviors, and social conventions of the upper-class society.
- Themes: The plays explored themes of love, marriage, courtship, and sexual intrigue. They often satirized the shallowness, hypocrisy, and immorality of the aristocratic society.
- Characters: The characters in restoration comedy were often stock characters, representing specific social types such as fops, rakes, coquettes, and witty women. They engaged in sharp repartee, wordplay, and innuendos to reveal their true intentions.
- Language: The dialogue was witty, fast-paced, and filled with wordplay and double entendres. It emphasized the cleverness and wit of the characters.
- Settings: The plays were set in fashionable London society, depicting drawing rooms, coffeehouses, and public spaces where the upper-class interacted.

Overall, the serious drama of heroic tragedy and the comedy of manners in restoration comedy were characterized by their distinct styles, themes, characters, and language. While heroic tragedy focused on grandeur, spectacle, and noble characters, restoration comedy satirized the societal behaviors and conventions of the upper class with wit and humor.