Answer questions 1–4 in one or two sentences. Question 1a–1b is based on the

following paragraph.
A trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from the everyday pressures of life. A sailboat
glistening on the horizon provides a mental escape to faraway places. The rhythm of the ocean
beating against the sand is sedating music to a troubled mind. A slow, gentle breeze can
relax your tensions. You should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at
the beach.
1. a. Write or type the sentence that is the topic sentence of the paragraph.
b. Write or type the sentence that is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated.

2 answers

And your answers are?
1. the topic of the sentence is about going to the beach.
2.A sailboat
glistening on the horizon provides a mental escape to faraway places. The rhythm of the ocean