answer like a 6th grader

Answer these three questions in your post!
What is Sojourner Truth saying about the connection between civil rights for African Americans and the rights of women?
Why was she able to stand before a large audience and expound this way without notes or preparation?
What issue of today might inspire you to make an unrehearsed speech?
Post a detailed response to the Sojourner Truth Discussion prompt by answering all three questions. Then respond to two classmates' posts with a detailed response.
Sojourner Truth (1979-1883): Ain’t I A Woman?
Delivered 1851
Women’s Rights Convention, Old Stone Church (since demolished), Akron, Ohio
“May I say a few words?”
“I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a woman’s right. I have as much muscle as any man, and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal; I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am strong as any man that is now.”
“As for intellect, all I can say is, if woman have a pint and man a quart—why can’t she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much—for we won’t take more than our pint’ll hold.”
“Then that little man in black there, he says women can’t have as much rights as men, ‘cause Christ wasn’t a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.”
“The poor men seem to be all in confusion and don’t know what to do. Why children, if you have woman’s rights give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they won’t be so much trouble. I can’t read, but I can hear. I have heard the Bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well if woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again.”
“If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.”
“The Lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned woman from him, and she was right. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha came to him with faith and love and besought him to raise their brother. And Jesus wept—and Lazarus came forth. And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and woman who bore him. Man, where is your part? But the women are coming up blessed be God, and a few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, and he is surely between a hawk and a buzzard.”

1 answer

Sojourner Truth is saying that civil rights for African Americans and the rights of women are very connected. She argues that if women are treated equally, then everyone, including African Americans, will benefit. Sojourner shows that women can work as hard as men and have just as much strength and intellect. She believes that both women and African Americans deserve equal rights and that they should not be held back because of their gender or race.

Sojourner was able to stand up and speak without notes because she felt very strongly about the issues she was talking about. She had lived through many struggles and knew firsthand what it was like to be denied her rights. Her experiences gave her the confidence and passion to speak from the heart. The truth of her words came from her life, not just from what she had memorized or prepared.

Today, an issue that might inspire me to make an unrehearsed speech is climate change. I feel really passionate about taking care of our planet and making sure we have a clean environment for the future. I would want to talk about how important it is for everyone to work together to protect the Earth, just like Sojourner spoke up for women’s rights and the rights of African Americans.