Sure! When we talk about fractions, the denominator is the bottom part of the fraction that tells us how many equal parts something is divided into.
Now, when the denominators are the same (like 1/4 and 2/4), we can easily add or subtract them because they are both divided into four equal parts. So, if I have 1/4 of a pizza and you have 2/4 of the same pizza, together we have 3/4 of the pizza!
But when the denominators are different (like 1/3 and 1/4), it's tricky because the pieces are different sizes. One piece is from a pizza cut into 3 equal parts, and the other is from a pizza cut into 4 equal parts. To add or subtract them, we first need to make their sizes the same, which means we have to find a common denominator.
For example, if I have 1/3 of a pizza and you have 1/4 of a pizza, I can’t just add them up because one piece is bigger than the other. To do it right, I need to change them into fractions that have the same number on the bottom.
So, it’s like trying to compare apples and oranges unless we make them the same type of fruit! That’s why we can only add or subtract fractions when they have like denominators.