1. Contributions and achievements in visual art: Both ancient Greek and ancient Rome made significant contributions to visual art. In the area of sculpture, Greeks were known for their idealized forms of depicting human anatomy while Romans focused more on realism and portrait sculpture. Greeks also created intricate pottery and painted scenes on vases, while Romans were known for their murals and mosaics. In terms of architecture, Greek temples were iconic and influenced much of Western architecture, while Romans contributed to the development of sewage systems and the use of arches and domes in buildings. In terms of literature, both civilizations produced epic poetry, drama, and philosophical works. Greek theater remains a significant cultural legacy, while Roman literature focused more on satire and oratory.
In terms of science, Greeks made significant contributions to mathematics, geometry, and astronomy, with famous figures such as Pythagoras and Euclid. Romans also made contributions to engineering and medicine, with Galen advancing anatomical knowledge and developing surgical techniques.
2. Growth and prosperity: Ancient Greece grew and prospered through trade and their naval power, as well as cultural exchange and colonization. Athens in particular experienced a Golden Age in the 5th century BCE. Rome, on the other hand, rose to power through conquest and expansion, creating a vast empire that stretched across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Rome also benefited from a centralized government, efficient military, and impressive infrastructure, such as roads and aqueducts.
3. Religious practices: Both ancient Greek and ancient Rome had polytheistic religions. Greeks worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses, while Romans adopted many of these deities but also added their own. Religion played an important role in both societies and influenced daily life, art, and literature. The government had a role in religion as well, with rulers often promoting certain gods or building temples in their honor. However, religion was also a personal matter and individuals were free to worship as they chose.
answer each question comparing ancient greek and ancient rome:
What contributions or achievements did each civilization make in visual art, science, architecture, literature, theater, and medicine?
How did the civilizations grow and prosper?
What were the common religious practices? What was the government's role in religion?
1 answer