1) TTQA: I feel a sense of hope and importance of holding onto dreams while reading the poem.
Line from the poem: "Hold fast to dreams"
Explanation: This line emphasizes the idea of valuing dreams and not letting go of them, which contributes to the feeling of hope.
2) TTQA: The poet means that it is essential to remain dedicated to pursuing our dreams.
Line from the poem: "Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die"
Explanation: This line suggests that without dreams, life loses its meaning and direction, highlighting the importance of holding onto our aspirations and not letting them fade away.
Answer each question by using TTQA to write your own response. Then support it with a line from the poem and explain how it supports your point.
1) What kind of feeling do you get when you read the poem?
2) What does the poet mean by "hold fast to dreams?"
the poem: Dreams by Langston Hughes
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
(less than 100 characters)
1 answer