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How How much much larger larger is is aluminum’aluminum’s s atomic atomic radius radius than than argon’argon’s? s? Use Use scientific scientific notation notation to to provide provide your your answer answer in in meters.meters.

What are are some some benefits benefits of of using using a a smaller smaller unit unit of of measurement measurement like like the the picometer?picometer?

1 answer

The atomic radius of aluminum is 0.162 nanometers (1.62 x 10^-10 meters) and the atomic radius of argon is 0.071 nanometers (7.1 x 10^-11 meters).

The difference in their atomic radii is 0.091 nanometers (9.1 x 10^-11 meters), so aluminum's atomic radius is about 1.28 times larger than argon's.

Using a smaller unit of measurement like the picometer allows for more precise and accurate measurements in the atomic and molecular scale. This can be beneficial in fields like chemistry, physics, and nanotechnology where extremely small distances need to be measured. Additionally, using picometers can help researchers better understand the interactions between atoms and molecules.