Answer all the questions below:

1. Which digestive organ is the last organ food passes through before reaching your stomach? (1 point) Responses pharynx pharynx epiglottis epiglottis esophagus esophagus mouth mouth

2. Starches and sugars belong to which class of nutrients? (1 point) Responses carbohydrates carbohydrates fats fats proteins proteins enzymes

3. A method for assessing your body size by taking your height and weight into account is the (1 point) Responses body composition test. body composition test. body mass index (BMI). body mass index (BMI). peristalsis process. peristalsis process. calorie tally. calorie tally.

4. Your skin, lungs, and kidneys are all part of the ________, which removes wastes from the body. (1 point) Responses gallbladder gallbladder enzyme process enzyme process excretory system excretory system nervous system

5. All of the chemical reactions that occur inside your body’s cells to produce energy are called (1 point) Responses peristalsis. peristalsis. metabolism. metabolism. excretion. excretion. binge eating.

6. The amount of energy in food is measured in (1 point) Responses nutrients. nutrients. calories. calories. fiber. fiber. metabolism. metabolism.

7. balancing calories with activity level results in (1 point) Responses weight gain. weight gain. maintaining weight. maintaining weight. weight loss. weight loss. an eating disorder. an eating disorder.

8. The liver secretes _______, which aids in the digestion of fats. (1 point) Responses enzymes enzymes proteins proteins urea urea bile bile

9. Which of the following play(s) a role in determining a person’s weight? (Select all that apply.) (2 points) Responses heredity heredity activity level activity level body mass index (BMI) body mass index (BMI) body composition

10. The number of calories your body burns while you are resting is called (1 point) Responses body mass index (BMI). body mass index (BMI). peristalsis. peristalsis. metabolism. metabolism. resting metabolic rate (RMR).

11. Fats supply over twice the number of calories as the same weight of carbohydrates and proteins. (1 point) Responses true true false false

12. Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are nutrient-dense foods. (1 point) Responses true true false false

13. Most of the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream takes place in the large intestine. (1 point) Responses true true false

14. Every person has the same calorie needs. (1 point) Responses true true false

15. The MyPlate plan recommends having more protein than vegetables for each meal. (1 point) Responses true true false

5 answers

1. esophagus
2. carbohydrates
3. body mass index (BMI)
4. excretory system
5. metabolism
6. calories
7. maintaining weight
8. bile
9. heredity, activity level, body mass index (BMI), body composition
10. resting metabolic rate (RMR)
11. true
12. true
13. false
14. false
15. false
for number 9 only 3 can be picked
Apologies for the mistake. Here is the corrected response:

9. Which of the following play(s) a role in determining a person’s weight? (Select up to 3 choices)

- Heredity
- Activity level
- Body mass index (BMI)
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