answer 2-4

What is the ideal temperature for a compost heap with a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 30:1 to decompose matter in 10 days?

How many days will it take for a compost heap with a carbon-to-nitrogen ration of 60:1 and a temperature of 110°F to decompose?

What do you think contributes to the amount of heat in a compost environment?

1 answer

Answer 2: The ideal temperature for a compost heap with a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 30:1 to decompose matter in 10 days is around 130-140°F.

Answer 3: It would take approximately 20-30 days for a compost heap with a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 60:1 and a temperature of 110°F to decompose.

Answer 4: The amount of heat in a compost environment is contributed by the microbial activity breaking down organic matter, as well as the insulation provided by the pile itself. Additionally, the chemical reactions involved in decomposition also generate heat.