Anne Bradstreet's "The Author to Her Book" I have to explain the irony in the poem. I thought irony would be like a firehouse burning to the ground. I don't see any irony in the poem what am I missing?

2 answers

Be sure to scroll down to "The Author to Her Book" on this webpage and hold your cursor over the underlined words to get the notes. These are ideas and facts that we normal, everyday people may not know about the circumstances under which she wrote this. Believe me, they help in understanding it.

Then as yourself, what does she mean by "ill-form'd offspring"? To whom or to what is she addressing herself in this poem?

Also, I see nothing in this about a firehouse burning to the ground. Where does that come from?

Now -- after more reading and re-reading and thinking, please be sure to let us know what you discover.

Sorry -- I meant to say, "Then ask yourself..."