Angular diameter of sun is 17" when measured from north pole and south pole of earth. Calculate distance of sun from earth if diameter of earth is 12800km.

4 answers

Good grief. Who gassigned you this question?

The angular diameter of the sun from anywhere on Earth is about 30 arc minutes, not 17 arc seconds.

What they are probably talking about is the parallax, which is the angular difference in the sun's position relative to background stars, when seen from different locations at the same time. If they don't know the difference between parallax and angyular size, they should not be teaching the course.
hey i need the ans..kindly help me out...
What good is the answer to a question that makes no sense? If you learn the difference between parallax and subtendend agle, you will have learned something useful
its ok..kindly teach me the difference between parallax and subtended angle...
i really need the solution of the above question...hope someone would help me..