Andrew Johnson was chosen to be Vice President because it was hoped that he __________.
A refused to impeach Lincolnrefused to impeach Lincoln
B was from Lincoln’s home statewas from Lincoln’s home state
C opposed the South’s “Black Codes”opposed the South’s “Black Codes”
D would attract pro-Union Democratswould attract pro-Union Democrats
Question 2
Johnson was impeached after he __________.
A pardoned eleven former Confederatespardoned eleven former Confederates
B violated the Tenure of Office Actviolated the Tenure of Office Act
C criticized Radical Republicanscriticized Radical Republicans
D supported the “Black Codes”supported the “Black Codes”
Question 3
What was the outcome of Johnson’s impeachment?
A Not guilty.Not guilty.
B He resigned.He resigned.
C Guilty, and forced to resign.Guilty, and forced to resign.
D Guilty, but not removed from officeGuilty, but not removed from office
Question 4
Who was the second President to be impeached?
A Bill ClintonBill Clinton
B Donald TrumpDonald Trump
C Richard NixonRichard Nixon
D Andrew JacksonAndrew Jackson
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1 answer
Question 2: B violated the Tenure of Office Act
Question 3: D Guilty, but not removed from office
Question 4: A Bill Clinton