Andreadis introduces a diverse cast of writers and their stories in this anthology. Each takes a familiar myth or legend, such as the story of Pandora or Daedalus, and transplants it into the stars. Only the final tale, "Unearthing Uncle Bud," stays rooted entirely in the present, though with a few fantastic flourishes. Futuristic technology, alien viruses, and genetic manipulation take the place of monsters of old. As with any collection, tone and style vary considerably. However, from the spare simplicity of poetry to the gritty details of communicator repair and quantum Al, all of the entries show how the human themes of exploration, hubris, jealousy, and love remain the same no matter the setting. The myths interpreted are listed but no previous knowledge is required to appreciate these new legends. Anyone who can envision Atlantis as a doomed space-faring civilization about to be engulfed by rogue Al, or who has wondered what a bombastic, battled-hardened Odysseus would do when faced with unknown aliens while trying to escape an asteroid field, should take a look.

The Salton Sea as we know it today was created by accident in 1905 when an irrigation canal from the Colorado River breached, flooding an arid low-lying basin called the Salton Sink. For thousands of years before that, a water body now called Lake Cahuilla cyclically formed and dried in the basin owing to natural flooding and course alterations of the Colorado. [11].(12) No longer hydrologically connected to the river, the sea's 20th century incarnation survived on runoff from agricultural fields to its north and south. [13]

In the 1950s and 1960s, vacationers flocked to this desert oasis, a few hours outside Los Angeles, to sunbathe, fish, and waterski in a unique setting with beautiful views of nearby mountains. But storm damage to popular marinas and resorts triggered a decline in recreation in the mid-1970s. Then, beginning in the 1980s, accumulating salts, pesticides, and fertilizers led to mass die-offs of fish, including stocked tilapia and croaker, and of migratory grebes and pelicans visiting the lake to feed.[ 14 ][ 15 ] Climate change has accelerated the lake's shrinkage by contributing to an extended drought across the western United States and increasing average temperatures, which promotes evaporation. Meanwhile, agricultural runoff has declined owing to stricter management of scarce Colorado River water, which also serves urban development in southwestern states.

Today the Salton Sea is a fraction of its former size and one and a half times as salty as the Pacific Ocean. [16] Its dust is carried from vast areas of exposed playa into communities nearby, especially south of the lake in the ImperialValley. This region has California's second- highest rates of pediatric hospitalizations and emergency department visits for asthma. [17] Researchers are working to clarify how, exactly, Salton Sea dustmay affect the respiratory health of the valley's children[ 18 ] and the rest of the approximately 180,000 residents, [19] especially given the other sources of chronic air pollution in the region.[20]

Jill Johnston, an associate professor of environmental health at the University of Southern California, sees dust generated by the drying lake as contributing to environmental injustice in this low-income, high-asthma corner of the state. "You have not only the Salton Sea but all the agricultural industry that's down there, both field work and a lot of factories that support manufacturing of various things for that industry," Johnston says. "There is a lack of easy access to primary care, so that may be driving some of the higher rates of hospitalization. It's on a route to the Mexican border, so there's a fair amount of diesel truck traffic. There's also a lot of diesel equipment used in the agricultural industry, and there's agricultural burning."

Johnston's work aims to tease apart some of these intertwining factors and better understand the role of lake dust on children's respiratory health in the Imperial Valley. Her latest research compares data from PM monitors at five local elementary schools with student survey responses and physiological measurements. She says the work was delayed by COVID-19, but should be published in summer 2023,

Not far away at the University of California, Riverside, professor of biomedical sciences David Lo is taking a closer look at the dust itself, given concerns that accumulated metals, pesticides, and other components may pose an elevated health risk. Sure enough, two recent laboratory studies he led supported the notion that the unique characteristics of Salton Sea dust may drive certain health impacts for those who breathe it.

In the first study.[21] published in October 2021, Lo and his team observed a unique inflammatory response in mice exposed for 7 days to aerosolized Salton Sea water. That response was absent in control mice exposed to Pacific Ocean aerosols. In the second study,[ 22] published in January 2023, Lo's team exposed mice to aqueous extracts of dust from both the Salton Sea and the nearby desert. They discovered that the lake dust caused distinct inflammatory responses similar to those elicited by well-known innate immune triggers derived from bacteria. As a result, the authors postulated there may be pro-inflammatory microbial components entrained in the playa dust that are "likely to worsen the pulmonary health of already vulnerable nearby communities."[22]

Lo explains, "When we collected dust near the Salton Sea and then did exposures in our chamber studies, the mice had pretty impressive lung inflammatory responses. When we collected dust from farther away, we didn't see any effect at all. So our findings support the idea that what's in the dust matters at least as much as just breathing dust."

2. Next, narrow down your topic to something specific that fits into the general topic. (Ex: If you have chosen your main topic as "Invasive Species", your narrowed topic might discuss how a particular invasive species, such as the Red Lionfish, is negatively impacting the ocean.)
Outline: Hair Today-Gone Tomorrow: Alopecia Areata

1. Introduction paragraph

A Hook-Katherine's story "t had been a hectic day at work. As she headed home Katerina could only think of one thing: a shower."

B. Background Information-Define Alopecia Areata

C. Thesis Fortunately, knowledge of the causes, psychological effects, and treatments of Alopecia Areata may give victims and their loved ones a better understanding of this devastating disease.

Body paragraph #1-Causes of Alopecia Areata

A T-lymphocytes attach lower part of hair follicles

a. Example

B. Infection-Helicobacter Pylori

a. Example-statistic

C. Possibly hereditary

a. Example-statistic on family history

D. Low levels of key thyroid hormones

Body paragraph #2-Psychological Effects of Alopecia Areata

A Low self-esteem

a. Example Study by Hairline International

B. Shifts in emotion Stress

a Impacts on individual and families

C. Support

a. Examples of support

M. Treatment

A. Mider forms of Alopecia treatments

a. Examples of injections and creams

B. More extensive forms of Alopecia treatments

a. Examples of medication and possible side effects

C. Severe Cases

a. Examples - Topical Immunotherapy risks and success

D. Alternative methods

a. Examples oils

V. Conclusion Paragraph - Summarize main points and conclude the essay

A Wrap up the essay

B. Restate thesis - People that do contract this disease need to be educated on all aspects, most importantly the causes, the psychological effects, and the treatments.

C. End with a thoughtful but concluding statement-"While bald may be beautiful to some, to others it may be devastating."

1 answer

Certainly! Here's a tailored outline based on your general topic related to the environmental and health impacts of the Salton Sea:

Outline: The Salton Sea: A Modern Environmental Crisis

  1. Introduction Paragraph

    • A. Hook: "Once a vibrant oasis, the Salton Sea now stands as a haunting reminder of nature's fragility and humanity's impact."
    • B. Background Information: Brief history of the Salton Sea, its accidental creation in 1905, and evolution over time.
    • C. Thesis: The Salton Sea's decline has severe ecological consequences and poses significant health risks to surrounding communities, driven by environmental injustice and neglect.
  2. Body Paragraph #1: Environmental Decline of the Salton Sea

    • A. Shrinking Size and Increased Salinity
      • a. Example: Current size compared to historical size; salinity measurements.
    • B. Environmental Contaminants
      • a. Example: Accumulation of salts, pesticides, and fertilizers.
    • C. Impact on Local Ecosystem
      • a. Example: Mass die-offs of fish and wildlife, particularly migratory birds.
  3. Body Paragraph #2: Health Risks Associated with Salton Sea Dust

    • A. Respiratory Health Concerns
      • a. Example: Connection to high rates of pediatric asthma in the Imperial Valley.
    • B. Research on Dust and Health
      • a. Example: Findings from Dr. Jill Johnston’s studies on health impacts related to lake dust.
      • b. Example: David Lo’s research indicating inflammatory responses in mice exposed to lake dust.
    • C. Environmental Injustice
      • a. Example: Socioeconomic factors affecting access to healthcare in the community.
  4. Body Paragraph #3: Mitigation Efforts and Future Outlook

    • A. Current Efforts to Address the Crisis
      • a. Example: Research initiatives and funding allocated for restoration efforts.
    • B. Community Engagement and Education
      • a. Example: Local organizations working to raise awareness and improve health outcomes.
    • C. Challenges Ahead
      • a. Example: Ongoing drought and water management issues affecting restoration efforts.
  5. Conclusion Paragraph

    • A. Wrap up the essay: Summarize main points regarding the environmental and health crises associated with the Salton Sea.
    • B. Restate thesis: As the Salton Sea continues to shrink and pose health risks, addressing these issues is crucial for the wellbeing of vulnerable communities.
    • C. End with a thoughtful but concluding statement: "The fate of the Salton Sea serves as a stark reminder of our responsibility to protect both our environment and our communities, lest we allow nature's beauty to diminish in the face of neglect."

This outline should provide a structured approach to exploring the specific topic of the Salton Sea's environmental and health crises while allowing for in-depth research and analysis.

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