“And Vishnusharman made answer to the king: ‘O King, listen. Here is the plain truth. I am not the man to sell good learning for a hundred land-grants. But if I do not, in six months’ time, make the boys acquainted with the art of intelligent living, I will give up my own name. Let us cut the matter short. Listen to my lion-roar. My boasting arises from no greed for cash. Besides, I have no use for money; I am eighty years old, and all the objects of sensual desire have lost their charm. But in order that your request may be granted, I will show a sporting spirit in reference to artistic matters. Make a note of the date. If I fail to render your sons, in six months' time, incomparable masters of the art of intelligent living, then His Majesty is at liberty to show me His Majestic bare bottom.’”

What tone is established in this excerpt? How did you determine the tone? Support your response with specific words and phrases from the excerpt, and explain how the words and phrases develop the identified tone.

1 answer

Idk the answer but this might help:
its a site that can find the tone of a passage.