"And I further declare and make known that such persons of suitable condition will be recevied into the armed service of the US to garrison forts positions stations and other places and to man vessels of all sorts in said service."

What did this portion of Lincon's Emancipation allow for?
A. the abolition of slavery in south
B.the legalized destruction of south ports and garrisons
C.the gov to impound naval vessels for war
D. African Americans to enlist into the military

The Emancipation set forth a chain of events that eventually led to the ___ that freed all slaves in US
The 13th Amendment?

12.Lincoln states he belives the Emancipation Proclamation to be "warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity" what type of "military necessity" is lincoln talking about that gives him the constitutional rights to free the slaves of the Confederacy?
A.freeing the south slaves would allow Lincoln to mvoe them north as slaves replace farmers who are now fighting
B.freeing south slaves would damage the Confederacy's economy and help the Union win
C.if he does not free the slaves in south northern abolitionists will no longer join the Union army
D.The Union had run out of soldiers and needed freed slaves to fight the Civil war

1 answer

All correct.

This web summary goes a long way to explain the answer to question 12. A lot of folks think the civil war was a war over slavery, it was not. Slavery was accepted, and one of the South's most economic treaures. Lincoln ended it to end the war, as the Border states under Union Control would not act to destroy their own wealth. http://civilwaref.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-emancipation-proclamation-of.html