Ancient Yearbook Discovered
A marble stele or slab is inscribed with names from a Greek ephebate
Credit: National Museums Scotland
For more than 130 years, a marble tablet from ancient Greece lay in the storage room of a museum in Scotland. The tablet was out of sight—and out of mind. Then one day, researchers decided to take a closer look at the inscription on the 2,000-year-old slab. They deduced that the tablet was an ancient version of a tradition that's still going strong today—a school yearbook.
That's right, it's the kind of book schools publish annually to commemorate the graduating class and notable events and achievements of the school year. Only this yearbook was published—make that carved—sometime between 41 and 54 CE. And the school was an ephebate, an Athenian academy where young men—known as ephebes—underwent a year of military and civics training. The text was translated by Attic Inscriptions in UK Collections (AIUK). It was a research project aimed at translating Athenian tablets.
At the top of the tablet is a worn image, which, according to AIUK, is an oil amphora, or jug. The image represents the oil that the ephebes shellacked themselves with before sporting events. Below the amphora, the inscription identifies the yearbook's author, a chap named Attikos. Then there are the names of the chief Athenian official at the time as well as the superintendent of the ephebes.
Below that, Attikos lists the first names of 31 of his "fellow ephebes (and) friends" in two columns. According to AIUK, there were probably about 100 ephebes at the ephebate, and the ones Attikos listed were his BFFs. The use of first names demonstrates their bond—no need to list the last names of pals—and some are actually nicknames. Theogenes, for example, is shortened to Theogas, and Dionysodoros is good old Dionysas. And three of the classmates must have come from prominent families, researchers pointed out, because their names appear in crowns.
At the bottom of the tablet, Attikos dates the yearbook by identifying the ruler of the Roman Empire at the time, Emperor Claudius, who reigned from 41 to 54 CE. Greece had long been a part of the Roman Empire by then, and Attikos is acknowledging his loyalty.
So, what can we make of this ancient artifact? Perhaps the old expression says it best: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
9 answers
A.Inscriptions carved onto a stone tablet highlight three people who came from prominent ancient Roman families.
B.Inscriptions carved onto a stone tablet include the nicknames of some ancient Athenian academy students.
C.A stone tablet in a museum in Scotland provides details about student life at an ancient Athenian academy.
D.A stone tablet in Scotland shows the reign of Emperor Claudius over the Roman Empire from 41 to 54 CE.
The tablet was out of sight—and out of mind. Then one day, researchers decided to take a closer look at the inscription on the 2,000-year-old slab. They deduced that the tablet was an ancient version of a tradition that's still going strong today—a school yearbook.
Which is the closest synonym for the word deduced?
A.Below the amphora, the inscription identifies the yearbook's author…. Then there are the names of the chief Athenian official at the time as well as the superintendent of the ephebes.
B.…the school was an ephebate, an Athenian academy where young men—known as ephebes—underwent a year of military and civics training.
C.The use of first names demonstrates their bond—no need to list the last names of pals—and some are actually nicknames.
D.At the bottom of the tablet, Attikos dates the yearbook by identifying the ruler of the Roman Empire at the time, Emperor Claudius.
A.It was a tribute to both the school superintendent and Emperor Claudius.
B.It was a symbol of the military training that academy students participated in.
C.It represented the oil students would use to cover themselves before a sporting event.
D.It indicated that the school was supported by prominent families that traded in oil.