ancient china and Islamic civilization time line

1 answer

Ancient China:

- c. 2070 BCE: The Xia Dynasty is established, marking the beginning of ancient Chinese civilization.
- c. 1600-1046 BCE: The Shang Dynasty emerges as a powerful ruling dynasty in China.
- 1046-256 BCE: The Zhou Dynasty replaces the Shang Dynasty and establishes feudalism as a political system.
- 221-206 BCE: The Qin Dynasty unifies China and standardizes various aspects, including writing, currency, and measurements.
- 206 BCE-220 CE: The Han Dynasty rules China, and this period is often considered a golden age in Chinese history.
- 220-580 CE: The period of disunity follows the collapse of the Han Dynasty, with numerous regional dynasties and kingdoms emerging.
- 581-618 CE: The Sui Dynasty reunifies China.
- 618-907 CE: The Tang Dynasty flourishes economically, culturally, and militarily.
- 960-1279 CE: The Song Dynasty governs over China, known for its advancements in arts, literature, and technology.
- 1279-1368 CE: The Yuan Dynasty is established by the Mongols under Kublai Khan, marking the only non-Han Chinese ruling dynasty.
- 1368-1644 CE: The Ming Dynasty overthrows the Mongols and China experiences a period of cultural and economic growth.
- 1644-1912 CE: The Qing Dynasty, ruled by the Manchu people, is the last imperial dynasty in China.

Islamic Civilization:

- 610 CE: Muhammad receives the first revelations that lay the foundation for Islam.
- 622 CE: The Hijra (migration) of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
- 632 CE: Muhammad dies, and Abu Bakr is chosen as the first caliph (successor to Muhammad).
- 661-750 CE: The Umayyad Caliphate, headquartered in Damascus, rules over a vast Islamic empire.
- 750-1258 CE: The Abbasid Caliphate, with its capital in Baghdad, becomes the center of Islamic civilization and experiences a period of intellectual and cultural expansion.
- 1258 CE: The Mongols sack Baghdad, leading to the decline of the Abbasid Caliphate.
- 1299 CE: The Ottoman Empire is founded by Osman I in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey).
- 1517 CE: The Ottoman Empire conquers the Mamluk Sultanate, gaining control over Egypt and the Levant.
- 1526-1857 CE: The Mughal Empire rules over the Indian subcontinent, establishing Islam as a major religious and cultural influence.
- 1683 CE: The Ottoman Empire fails to conquer Vienna, marking the beginning of its decline.
- 1798 CE: Napoleon's invasion of Egypt leads to the decline of Ottoman power in the region.
- 1919-1924 CE: The Turkish War of Independence, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, results in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and the abolishment of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924.