The first statement is true:
The ecosystem is not balanced because more carbon is entering the atmosphere than being absorbed by the environment. This is evident from the graph showing a higher amount of carbon entering the atmosphere compared to being absorbed by the environment through natural flux, changing land-use, and fossil fuel emissions.
Analyzing the graph, determine which statement is true:
Global Gross Primary Respiration
Atmosphere 738
Changing Land-Use
and Som
Fossil Fuel
Doran 38.000
Anthropogenic F
Natural Flux
Carbon Flux Indicated by Arrows:
The ecosystem is not balanced because more carbon is entering the atmosphere than being absorbed by the environment.
The ecosystem is not balanced because more carbon is leaving the atmosphere than being absorbed by the atmosphere.
The ecosystem is balanced because non-equal amounts of carbon are entering and exiting the environment/atmosphere.
The ecosystem is balanced because equal amounts of carbon is entering and exiting the environment/atmosphere
1 answer