Analyze why peasants resisted collectivization. (1 point)

• They preferred work in factories to taking jobs on collectives.
They feared the government would obstruct their plans to modernize their
They wanted to keep control of their land and did not want to work for the goverment in collective farms.
O They were working with foreign powers opposed to the Soviet Union.

1 answer

The primary reason for peasants resisting collectivization was the desire to maintain control over their own land and resources. Peasants valued their independence and wanted to continue working on their own farms rather than being forced to work on collectives. By working on collectives, they would have to give up their autonomy and be subject to government control.

Moreover, peasants feared that the government would hinder their plans to modernize their farms. They believed that they could improve their agricultural productivity and efficiency through individual initiatives and innovations, rather than relying on the state-controlled collectives. They saw collectivization as an obstacle to progress and feared that it would impede their ability to modernize their farms as they saw fit.

Another factor contributing to peasant resistance was the concern about losing control over their land. Land ownership was perceived as a symbol of status and economic security. Peasants did not want to work for the government on collective farms because it meant giving up their land and becoming dependent on the state for their livelihoods. They wanted to maintain their individual control and ownership over their land, crops, and profits.

Finally, some peasants may have been influenced by foreign powers opposed to the Soviet Union. These external forces could have provided support and encouragement to resist collectivization, either directly or indirectly. However, it is important to note that this factor may have been more prevalent among specific groups or regions and should not be considered as the primary reason for resistance to collectivization among the peasants as a whole.