Analyze why peasants resisted collectivization. (1 point)

They wanted to keep control of their land and did not want to work for the government in collective farms.
• They feared the government would obstruct their plans to modernize their farms.
• They were working with foreign powers opposed to the Soviet Union.
• They preferred work in factories to taking jobs on collectives.

1 answer

• Peasants resented the loss of their autonomy and freedom to make decisions about their own land and production.
• Collectivization disrupted traditional ways of life and agricultural practices that had been passed down for generations.
• Peasants had little trust in the government's ability to properly manage collective farms and provide fair distributions of resources.
• Many peasants saw collectivization as a threat to their social status and feared being forced into a lower class of laborers on collective farms.
• Some peasants were influenced by religious beliefs or cultural traditions that emphasized individual ownership of land and property.