analyze the strong and weak sides of customary conflict resolution mechanisms

1 answer

Customary conflict resolution mechanisms are traditional methods of resolving disputes that have been used for centuries in many cultures. These methods are often based on the values and beliefs of the community and can be effective in resolving disputes without resorting to violence or the legal system.

The strong sides of customary conflict resolution mechanisms include the fact that they are often based on the values and beliefs of the community, which can help to ensure that the resolution is fair and just. Additionally, these methods are often less expensive and time-consuming than going through the legal system. Furthermore, they can help to preserve relationships between the parties involved, as they often involve mediation and negotiation rather than a winner-takes-all approach.

The weak sides of customary conflict resolution mechanisms include the fact that they can be biased towards certain groups or individuals, as they are often based on the values and beliefs of the community. Additionally, they can be slow and inefficient, as they often involve lengthy negotiations and mediation. Furthermore, they can be difficult to enforce, as there is often no legal recourse if one of the parties does not abide by the resolution. Finally, they can be seen as outdated and not reflective of modern values and beliefs.