Sure! Here are the answers in a way that a 12-year-old would understand:
1a. Who is expected to pay zakat?
Every Muslim is expected to pay zakat, which is a type of charity.
1b. INFERRING Why do you think this group is singled out for observing this principle?
Muslims are singled out for paying zakat because it’s a requirement in their religion. It helps make sure that those who have money share with those who don’t, so everyone can have some support.
DESCRIBING What are some of the purposes of zakat?
Some purposes of zakat include helping the poor and needy, supporting people who work to collect zakat, helping captives, assisting people in debt, and helping travelers. It’s basically there to support anyone who might be struggling. -
What is the larger benefit to paying zakat?
The larger benefit of paying zakat is that it helps create a sense of community and support. When people share their wealth, it reduces the gap between the rich and poor and promotes kindness and help for those who need it. -
ANALYZING Explain why Mustafakhan believes “It is Islam that has given charity the prestige [respect] and form of an institution.”
Mustafakhan believes this because, before Islam, charity was just something people did whenever they felt like it. But Islam made charity a structured rule (like zakat), which gives it more importance and respect. It’s not just random giving; it’s organized and part of the religion. -
INFERRING Why is zakat such an important principle in the Islamic faith?
Zakat is important because it helps people take care of each other. It’s a way for Muslims to show compassion and responsibility towards others, especially those who are less fortunate. It emphasizes the idea that helping others is a key part of being a good person in the faith.