Analyze the following statements about The Spanish empire, what influence the spread of Christianity from Europe to the Americans?

A) when Spain was fully formed as its own political entity, the Spanish were able to translate their religious history into missionary voyages into the New World, these both peaceful and extremely violent methods of conversion on indigenous populations

B) The joining of Nevarree and Aragon allowed the spanish to acquire Granada the tactics used to acquire Granada were violent. After union spain was able to freely enact the popes will and spread Catholicism to the new world.

C) after Spain merge the kingdom, Granada and Portugal, it was able to use Portugal as a launching point to spread Christianity to the Americans. Spain use both peaceful and extremely violent methods of conversion on indigenous populations in the new world.

D) when Spain was fully formed as it’s on political entity, the Spanish for able to translate, their religious history into missionary wages in to the New World, Spain was use. The example of the conquest of Granada to peacefully convert indigenous populations, avoiding violence at all cost.

1 answer

A) This statement accurately describes the Spanish empire's efforts to spread Christianity to the Americas. It acknowledges that both peaceful and violent methods were used to convert indigenous populations.

B) This statement is partially accurate. The joining of Navarre and Aragon did allow Spain to acquire Granada, but it incorrectly implies that violent tactics were used to acquire Granada. It is true, however, that Spain was able to freely spread Catholicism to the New World after the union.

C) This statement accurately states that Spain's merger with Granada and Portugal allowed for the spread of Christianity to the Americas. It also acknowledges the use of both peaceful and violent methods of conversion on indigenous populations.

D) This statement is mostly accurate. It highlights Spain's ability to translate its religious history into missionary voyages and the use of peaceful conversion methods. However, it is not clear what is meant by "missionary wages" and it should be "its own" instead of "it’s on".