The scenario described involves Sarah's migration from England to the United States. Here is an analysis of the factors present:
1. Environmental pull factor: In this particular scenario, there might not be a direct environmental pull factor at play as it is not explicitly mentioned. However, it is possible that Sarah may have decided to move due to environmental preferences such as climate, natural surroundings, or access to certain resources. Without specific information, this factor's presence cannot be conclusively determined.
2. Political pull factor: It is not mentioned that political factors played a role in Sarah's decision to migrate. It can be assumed that she moved primarily for personal reasons like being closer to her family. Political pull factors typically involve aspects such as seeking political asylum, fleeing from political persecution, or pursuing better political systems.
3. Social pull factor: Sarah's desire to be closer to her family suggests the presence of a social pull factor. Family ties and social connections can significantly influence an individual's decision to migrate, seeking closer bonds or support networks.
4. Economic pull factor: Economic factors do not appear to be directly mentioned in the scenario. However, it is possible that Sarah considered economic opportunities in the United States as a part of her decision-making process. Economic pull factors often include seeking better job prospects, higher wages, or improved standards of living.
In summary, social pull factors (wanting to be closer to family) seem to be the primary driving force for Sarah's migration, while the presence of environmental and economic pull factors cannot be definitively determined. Political pull factors do not seem to be relevant in this particular scenario.
Analyze the factor present in the following scenario Sarah migrated to the United States from England to be closer to her family. point) environmental pull factor political pull factor social pull factor economic pull factor
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