Analyze data to determine whether or not you think there is a relationship between height and ability to lift weights (at least as measured by the bench press). 1- Compute a linear regression line to fit this data, also2- compute the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination. Answer the following questions:

A) how many more (or fewer) pounds does the typical weight lifter in this sample bench press for each increase of one inch of height. What is the name of the statistic you use to answer this question?
B) What is the predicted weight lifted by a person with a height of zero (0) inches. Why does this silly number (a person with no height) make sense? What is this statistic called?
C) What weight would a person with a height of 60 inches be predicted to lift? What range of variation do you expect in this estimate? (Assume homoscadasticity). What is the name of the statistic you calculated to compute this error range.
D) What proportion of variation in weight lifting ability do you think might be accounted for by a person’s height? What is the name of the statistic that allows you to calculate this?
E) What other factors might account for the variation that cannot be accounted for by the relationship between height and weight lifting ability? How large is this amount?

I am so lost! I have calcualted SSX, SSXY, pearsons R, r^2, Std, error of estimate now what?

2 answers

still stuck on this...