Analysis of “A Hanging”

George Orwell’s “A Hanging” shows the inhumanity of capital punishment. He uses a narration to describe the sequence of events involved in the hanging of an Indian prisoner. By using vivid images the horrors are shown. Overall there is a lack of concern for the prisoners. Each prisoner is kept separate from each other. Their cells are “like animal cages” with enough room “except for a plank bed and a pot for drinking water.” Additionally, the narrator emphasizes the main point that it is wrong to take a human life. He comes to the realization when the prisoner walks around a puddle of mud. This torments the narrator since he can’t stop it from occurring. Finally, the narrator reflects on the degradation of morality. After the hanging the mood is happy and festive. The head guard says “You’d better come and have a drink.” “I’ve got a bottle of whiskey in the car.” Orwell’s narration shows capital punishment is barbaric and unnecessary

I think i need to clarify and explain things abit and some of the stuff is akward but the message seems fine.

3 answers

I see nothing to be evaluated except a possible title. Is that it?
i copied and paste it..but doesnt seem to work
Analysis of “A Hanging”

George Orwell’s “A Hanging” shows the inhumanity of capital punishment. He uses a narration to describe the sequence of events involved in the hanging of an Indian prisoner. By using vivid images the horrors are shown. Overall there is a lack of concern for the prisoners. Each prisoner is kept separate from each other. Their cells are “like animal cages” with enough room “except for a plank bed and a pot for drinking water.” Additionally, the narrator emphasizes the main point that it is wrong to take a human life. He comes to the realization when the prisoner walks around a puddle of mud. This torments the narrator since he can’t stop it from occurring. Finally, the narrator reflects on the degradation of morality. After the hanging the mood is happy and festive. The head guard says “You’d better come and have a drink.” “I’ve got a bottle of whisky in the car.” Orwell’s narration shows capital punishment is barbaric and unnecessary