An unknown was prepared with the concentration of 0.000630 M. A Beer's Law plot was prepared using the absorbance values from standard solutions of ASA and a line drawn through all the points passed through the origin with a slope of 1550.2 M–1
6 answers
An unknown was prepared with the concentration of 0.000630 M. A Beer's Law plot was prepared using the absorbance values from standard solutions of ASA and a line drawn through all the points passed through the origin with a slope of 1550.2 M–1 . The expected absorbance and %T values for the diluted aspirin solution prepared by the student is
Absorbance = slope*molarity will get A for you.
Then A = log (1/T) for transmittance. T*100 = %T.
Then A = log (1/T) for transmittance. T*100 = %T.
how would we calculate for %T using logs?
How do you isolate T for this problem?
An unknown was prepared with the concentration of 0.000630 M. A Beer's Law plot was prepared using the absorbance values from standard solutions of ASA and a line drawn through all the points passed through the origin with a slope of 1550.2 M–1 . The expected absorbance and %T values for the diluted aspirin solution prepared by the student is _______ and _________, respectively.
i still don't get it?....did anyone figure it out???