I agree intensity is 1/2 amplitude^2 *angular freq^2*velocity*density
I= 1/2 (3.8E-8)^2*(2PI*1.02E4)^2*(1.53E3)*1030
I get
check that.
An underwater sonar system uses mid-wavelength sound waves. These waves of 15 cm in wavelength propagate through seawater with an amplitude of 0.038 nm. Seawater has a density of 1030 kg/m3, and sound through seawater travels at a speed of 1530 m/s.
What is the intensity level IL of these sonar waves?
The way im approaching it:
frequecy=2530/0.15=10200 therefore Period=9.8*10^-5
I= (1530)(1030)(3.8*10^-11)^2(2pi/T)^2
IL=10log(1*10^-5/1*10^-12)= 70
Any help would be appreciated
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