instaneous rate= dV/dt
= limx->h (f(a+h)-f(a))/a
Intervals have to be t greater than zero. Why? what does negative times mean?
Now the issue I have is the V(t) function itself: IT IS NOT A FUNCTION OF t, nowhere does t appear in the function. You either typed it incorrectly, or your teacher is having a serious senior moment.
An investments value, V(t) is modelled by the function V(t)=2500(1.15)^2, where t is the number of years after funds are invested
A) find the instantaneous rate of change in the value of the investment at t=4, what intervals would you choose? Why?
My question is ... Which intervals should I use? And is there a way I could do it using the limit x->h (f(a+h)-f(a))/a method?
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