An interpreted programming language is generally easier for novices to learn compared to compiled languages. This is because in an interpreted language, the code is executed line by line, allowing for easier understanding and debugging. Novices can see the immediate results of their code without the need to compile an executable file.
In contrast to compiled languages, interpreted languages do not require the generation of an executable file. Instead, they are executed directly by an interpreter without the need for a separate compilation step. This makes the development process faster and more flexible as changes to the code can be immediately reflected in the execution.
However, one drawback of interpreted languages is that they can have a longer compile time. Since the code is executed line by line, each line needs to be interpreted at runtime which can result in slower execution compared to compiled languages. This is particularly noticeable when dealing with computationally intensive tasks.
Overall, while interpreted languages have certain advantages such as ease of learning and flexibility, they may be slower in execution and lack certain optimization opportunities that compiled languages provide.
An interpreted programming language:
is normally harder for novices to learn.
requires an executable file.
can have a long compile time.
is executed line by line.
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