To calculate the start time of the cricket match in different time zones, we first need to determine the time difference between Banjul (16° west) and the other locations: Boundary (74° east) and Pittsburgh (80° west).
Information Given:
- Match Time in Banjul: 10:00 AM local time on 26th June
- Longitude of Banjul: 16° West
- Longitude of Boundary: 74° East
- Longitude of Pittsburgh: 80° West
Time Zone Calculations:
Time difference calculation:
- The Earth rotates 360° in about 24 hours, which translates to 15° per hour.
- Thus, each degree of longitude corresponds to 4 minutes (60 minutes / 15° = 4 minutes).
Banjul (16° W):
- Local Time: 10:00 AM (UTC - 4 hours)
Boundary (74° E):
- Longitude difference from Banjul: \[ 74° E - 16° W = 74 + 16 = 90° \text{ (Total difference)} \]
- Time difference: \[ 90° \times 4 \text{ minutes} = 360 \text{ minutes} = 6 \text{ hours} \]
- Since Boundary is to the east of Banjul, we need to add the time difference to the local time of Banjul.
- Start time in Boundary: \[ 10:00 \text{ AM} + 6 \text{ hours} = 4:00 \text{ PM} \text{ (26th June)} \]
Pittsburgh (80° W):
- Longitude difference from Banjul: \[ 16° W - 80° W = 64° \text{ (Total difference)} \]
- Time difference: \[ 64° \times 4 \text{ minutes} = 256 \text{ minutes} = 4 \text{ hours, 16 minutes} \]
- Since Pittsburgh is to the west of Banjul, we subtract this time difference from the local time of Banjul.
- Start time in Pittsburgh: \[ 10:00 \text{ AM} - 4 \text{ hours, 16 minutes} = 5:44 \text{ AM} \text{ (26th June)} \]
Summary of Local Times:
- Boundary (74° East): 4:00 PM on 26th June
- Pittsburgh (80° West): 5:44 AM on 26th June
Listeners will need to tune in as follows:
- Boundary: 4:00 PM on 26th June
- Pittsburgh: 5:44 AM on 26th June