To determine which salary is closest to the industry average, we would typically need the calculated average or median salary of the graphic designers in the industry. However, since that information isn't provided, we can analyze the salaries given:
- $63,000
- $52,000
- $39,000
- $48,000
If we were to consider common salary ranges for graphic designers, $63,000 and $52,000 tend to be on the higher end of the range, while $39,000 and $48,000 may represent entry-level or lower-end positions.
Without additional context about the industry average, we can infer that $63,000 is likely higher than the average but could still be reasonably considered depending on the specific field or region. However, unless we have the actual industry average, choosing the closest option might still be speculative.
Overall, if selecting the likely closest salary to what could be considered an average based on general knowledge of industry standards, $52,000 might be a reasonable choice.
Please note that this is a subjective assessment, and in a proper analysis, one would require exact average or median figures for more accuracy.