Ti = initial temp = 273+17
Tf = final temp = 273 + 100
initial Pi = 101,000 Pa
final Pf = ? before valve opened
before opening:
P V/nT = R
Pi V/n Ti = Pf V/n Tf
or in other words
Pi/Ti = Pf/Tf
Pf = Pi Tf/Ti
after opening n changes
ni = Pi V/RTi
nf = Pi V/RTf
nf/ni = Ti/Tf
It says fraction lost so 1 - Ti/Tf
An Ideal gas is sealed within a container at a temperature of 17 degree Celsius and a pressure of 101 KPa. The container is heated until temperature of the gas reaches 100 degree Celsius. A valve in the container is then opened to allow gas to escape until the pressure falls back to 101KPa at 100 degree Celsius.
a) Calculate the pressure in the gas just before the valve is opened.
b) Calculate the fraction of the initial mass of gas that was lost as a result of opening the valve.
7 answers
Damon can you write b in more detail ?
Why the temprature and the volume is constant
1.A and B
pf=129.9 kpa or 129.9 * 10^3 pa