The language is garbled. It sounds like the gun is to be fired when the plane is directly overhead. No joy there, since the bullet's speed is much slower than the plane's (?)
Is the gunner to fire so that he hits then plane when it is directly overhead?
Please proofread your post and make it read the way you got it.
An enemy plane is flying horizontall at a distance of 2.0km with a speed of 340m/s.An army man with anti-craft gun on the ground sight the enemy with a muzzle speed at 60m/s .when the enemy plane is directly overhead.find
a)at what angle from the verticals should the gun be fired so as to hit the plane
b)at what minimum altitude should the enemy plane fly to aviod being hit(take g=10m/s^2)
2 answers
An enemy plane is flying horizontally at an altitude of 2.0km with a speed of 340m/s.An
army man with anti-craft gun on the ground
sight the enemy with a muzzle speed at 60m/s
.when the enemy plane is directly
a)at what angle from the verticals should the
gun be fired so as to hit the plane.
b)at what minimum altitude should the enemy
plane fly to avoid being hit(take g=10m/s^2)
army man with anti-craft gun on the ground
sight the enemy with a muzzle speed at 60m/s
.when the enemy plane is directly
a)at what angle from the verticals should the
gun be fired so as to hit the plane.
b)at what minimum altitude should the enemy
plane fly to avoid being hit(take g=10m/s^2)