Convert 1.43 pounds to grams.
1,000 mL milk x 1.03 g/mL = g milk.
g jar + g milk = total grams.
an empty jar weighs 1.43 pounds. How much will it weigh when 1.00L of homgenized milk is poured into it? trhe density of homogenized milk is 1.03g/ml. (1 pound= 453.6g)
3 answers
Convert 1.43 pounds to grams. =648.648g
1,000 mL milk x 1.03 g/mL = g milk. =1030
g jar + g milk = total grams.
Does the jar weigh 2.27 pounds when filled with milk then?
1,000 mL milk x 1.03 g/mL = g milk. =1030
g jar + g milk = total grams.
Does the jar weigh 2.27 pounds when filled with milk then?
Disregard...I got it. 3.70 pounds