An electron oscillates one thousand million times per second along the z-axis with a displacement z(t)=sin(ωt) mm. What is the value of the electric fie

ld E(t) produced at a distance r of ten meters (x=10m, y=0, z=0)?

3 answers

The Feynman Lectures :

Ez(x)=kq/rc^2 (a(t-x/c)) where a is the acceleration of the charge, an c is the speed of light, k=1/4PIepislion)

a=w^2sin(wt) in MKS, a=.001w^2sinwt m/s^2
c look it up.
q is charge on one electron, in coulombs.

Is this enough?
I don't know how can I calculate the acceleration if I don't have the time, or it must depend on t? The whole Ez(x) equation?

You think this is right?


Thank you