1. On the 7th day, he turns after 22km.
2. On the 5th day, he jogged 38km in total.
3. He has jogged a total of 90km when he reached his house on the 10th day.
4. No, it is not possible for this way of preparing for a race to carry on like this for an indefinite period of time. This is because the athlete would eventually reach a point where he would not be able to increase the distance he jogs each day, as it would become too strenuous for him.
An athlete prepares for the Comrades. He jogs out to a certain point and then turns back home. On the first day he turns after 6m.on the second day he turns after 10km. On the third day he turns after 14km.
1.after how many kilometres does he turn on the 7th day?
2.On which day did he jog 38km in total?
3how many kilometres has he jogged in total when he reached his house on the 10th day?
4.is it possible that this way of preparing for a race can carry on like this for an indefinite period of time?give a reason for your answer.
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