An article published in the "New York Times" reported the results of a large-scale study on homework for elementary school children. The study indicated that the lowest-achieving students spent more time on homework than children who received higher grades. Using what you have learned about learning in chapter 5, how can this be explained? Why aren't the children who spend more time on homework receiving better grades? Imagine you were a consultant to the school district. What changes might you propose to address this issue?
4 answers
in my opinion children who do spend more time on homework may not understand it or may not be studing for their exams or too nevous on the day of the exam therefore the children who get higher grades are more likely taking in or concentrating more at school and understand more.
the changes i would propose would be for those who get lower grades to study or look over the topic until they know and understand it more
There are several possible explanations. To see if these explanations are valid, more data needs to be collected.
First, the lower scorers might be in a distracting environment, e.g., TV going, so they are not attending well to their lessons.
Their study methods or motivation might lacking. they might not be getting parental support for their studying.
They might have a failing "self-fulfilling prophecy." (Look it up.)
First, the lower scorers might be in a distracting environment, e.g., TV going, so they are not attending well to their lessons.
Their study methods or motivation might lacking. they might not be getting parental support for their studying.
They might have a failing "self-fulfilling prophecy." (Look it up.)
You have misplaced your keys again. What strategies in chapter 6 have been suggested for you to use in order to find your keys