k = 0.693/half life = 0.693/5730 yrs = 1.209E-4
Then ln(N/No) = -kt.
N = 8.61
No = 15.3
k from above
Solve for t in years.
an arcaecologist recovered wood with a specific activity of 8.61d/min.g, assume the ratio of 12C/14C in a living plant has the activity of 15.3d/min.g estimate the age of the wood?
3 answers
pls solve the T in years
I can't really solve it
I can't really solve it
ln(8.61/15.3) = -1.209E-4(t)
You need to learn how to do this. We are a homework help site. If I give you the formula and the numberrs, surely you can do the math.
You need to learn how to do this. We are a homework help site. If I give you the formula and the numberrs, surely you can do the math.