An appellate court that hears an appeal on a money laundering case from a district court....(Points : 1)

A) is not concerned with guilt or innocence.
B) can only send the case back for retrial.
C) is concerned with whether proper legal procedures were followed during the district court trial.
D) determines the constitutionality of the law.

2 answers

1)When the Supreme Court hands down a decision, it is (Points : 1)
A) often a mixed decision with majority, dissenting, and even concurring opinions.
B) always a unanimous 9-0 decision. C) a law forever and can never be overturned.
D) always free of politics.

2)The reason why the Supreme Court came around to upholding that states had an obligation to provide attorneys to those who could not afford them was (Points : 1)
A)attorneys were charging additional costs to poor defendants.
B) to provide a fair advantage to defendants.
C) it was something that other countries did.
D) to encourage defendants to plea bargain.