an apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed

from different locations.
an instrument that collects light or other electromagnetic radiation from distant objects and concentrates it to make the objects appear larger or brighter.
in astronomy, the change in the sunlit area of one celestial body as seen from another celestial body; phases of the moon are caused by the changing positions of Earth, the sun and the moon.
an event in which the shadow of one celestial body fall
on another.

1 answer

  1. Parallax - This is the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different locations. It is often used in astronomy to measure distances to nearby stars.

  2. Telescope - This is the instrument that collects light or other electromagnetic radiation from distant objects and concentrates it to make the objects appear larger or brighter.

  3. Phase - In astronomy, this term refers to the change in the sunlit area of one celestial body as seen from another celestial body. The phases of the moon are caused by the changing positions of the Earth, the sun, and the moon.

  4. Eclipse - This event occurs when the shadow of one celestial body falls on another, such as when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun (solar eclipse) or when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon (lunar eclipse).