An antiproton (which has the same properties as a proton except that its charge is -e) is moving in the combined electric and magnetic fields of the figure: h tt p://post image. org/image/2sh3s3hs4/

What are the magnitude and direction of the antiproton's acceleration at this instant?
What would be the magnitude and direction of the acceleration if \vec v were reversed?

2 answers

Correct on the negative charge of the antiproton. The magnetic force is q V x B (vector cross product) and the electric force is q E (scalar multiplication of E by a constant).

The magnetic force is in the direction of the red arrows (from the right-hand rule, with negative q), and the electric force is opposite to that.

If the direction of V is reversed, the electric force remaqins the same and the directikon of the magnetic force reverses.
Solved it. Thanks.