To estimate the distance between Houston, Texas and Rome, Italy as the product of a single digit number times a power of 10, we need to find a single digit number that can be multiplied by a power of 10 to give a number close to 5,686.
To do this, we can look at the first digit of 5,686, which is 5. We can then estimate the remaining digits as 0s, since the power of 10 will determine the magnitude of the number.
If we multiply 5 by 10^3, we get 5,000. This is the closest estimate to 5,686 among the given options.
Therefore, the estimated distance between Houston, Texas and Rome, Italy is 5×10^3, or option A.
An airplane flight from Houston, Texas to Rome, Italy is 5,686 miles. Estimate the distance between the two cities as the product of a single digit number times a power of 10.(1 point)
A. 5×10^3
B. 5×10^4
C. 6×10^3
D. 6×10^4
1 answer