an airplane flew from a city x on a bearing 225 to another city y a distance 200 km away.It then flew from city y on a bearing of N30 W to city Z a distance of 250 km. calculate
1.the distance from city x to city z correct to the nearest whole number.
2. the bearing of a city x from city z.
3 answers
Please read through the Similar Questions below -- and their answers! -- to see what fits your problem.
All angles are measured CW from +y-axis.
1. D = 200km[225o] + 250km[330o].
X = 200*sin225 + 250*sin330 = -266.4 km.
Y = 200*Cos225 + 250*Cos330 = 75.1 km.
D = -266.4 + 75.1i = 277km[-74.3] = 277km[285.6o] CW.
2. Tan A = X/Y.
A = ?
1. D = 200km[225o] + 250km[330o].
X = 200*sin225 + 250*sin330 = -266.4 km.
Y = 200*Cos225 + 250*Cos330 = 75.1 km.
D = -266.4 + 75.1i = 277km[-74.3] = 277km[285.6o] CW.
2. Tan A = X/Y.
A = ?
I don't know it