a) find the points horizontal (E,N) or (x,y) of the two points based on horizontal distance and angle. Now add the third dimension for each point knowing altitude.
distance apart.
d=sqrt((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 + (zi-z2)^2 )
displacment vector (x1-x2)xbar+...
An air-traffic controller observes two aircraft on his radar screen. The first is at altitude 750 m, horizontal distance 20.0 km, and 25.0° south of west. The second aircraft is at altitude 1050 m, horizontal distance 17.0 km, and 17.0° west of south.
(a) Write the displacement vector FROM the first plane TO the second plane, letting i represent east, j north, and k up.
(b) How far apart are the two planes?
Please help me on this problem
1 answer