An acrostic is a poem that is written using a word in a vertical fashion. You then write a sentence that starts with the letter and is relevant to the vocabulary word you are using.

Example for CELL:

Cytoplasm fills the inside

Energy is made in the mitochondria

Lysosomes break down waste

Lipids are part of the membrane

You will do two Acrostic poems for PHOTOSYNTHESIS and RESPIRATION (you can skip cellular)
Each descriptive phrase chosen must begin with the one of the letters from the vocabulary word
Each descriptive phrase chose must be related to the vocabulary word

1 answer


Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen

H2O is split to provide electrons for the process

Oxygen is released as a byproduct

The Calvin cycle uses ATP to produce glucose

Energy is stored in the form of carbohydrates

Sunlight is captured by chlorophyll

Is essential for plants to survive

Sugars are produced as a source of energy


Releases energy stored in glucose molecules

Energy is produced in the form of ATP

Sugar is broken down into carbon dioxide and water

Plays a vital role in cellular metabolism

Initiates the breakdown of organic molecules

Rapid respiration occurs during exercise

Air is drawn into the lungs and oxygen is transported to cells

The mitochondria is the site of cellular respiration

Is essential for all living organisms.