Amy’s Metaphor, by Elisa Oh, is about a girl that completes an assignment about a ______. She tells her teacher she can’t complete the second part of the assignment because___. From Scratch, by Susie Castellano, is about a girl who is working in the kitchen with her mother. She feels sad when____. The plot structures of both stories mix present and past events. In From Scratch, Priya and her mother _____ over the course of the story. In Amy’s Metaphor, the plot structure is organized as a _________.
Amy’s Metaphor has a first person point of view. The story is told by the__________. From Scratch has a third-person point of view. The story is told by the________. At the beginning of both stories, the characters are unhappy about___. At first, Priya is sad and lonely after____. At the end of the story, she appreciates ______. The evidence that supports this is “____________.” Amy is upset about_____. At the end, Amy sees herself as____. The evidence that supports this is “____________.”
I enjoyed reading ___________more because the_______. My attention was captured when________. I was able to relate to the character when she ______. My favorite part of the story was ____. I would recommend this story to a friend because_____.
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