among the proprietary name, non proprietary name,and chemical name of drug which is mostly used in pharmacology

1 answer

In pharmacology, the most commonly used name for a drug is the proprietary name or brand name. This is because proprietary names are chosen by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture and market the drug. These names are often catchy and easy to remember, and they help create brand recognition for the drug.

Nonproprietary names, also known as generic names, are not specific to any particular brand or manufacturer. These names are used to identify the drug based on its chemical composition and therapeutic use. Nonproprietary names are universally recognized and are the same across different countries and brands. For example, the nonproprietary name for the commonly used pain reliever Tylenol is acetaminophen.

Chemical names, on the other hand, describe the exact chemical composition of a drug using its molecular formula. These names are generally complex and not commonly used in everyday conversation or clinical settings. Chemical names are primarily used by chemists, researchers, and regulatory agencies to precisely identify the specific compound. An example of a chemical name for a drug is N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) acetamide for the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication known as acetaminophen.

Overall, when referencing drugs in pharmacology, proprietary names are most commonly used to identify and prescribe medications.